Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hid from life today

We didn't do any clean out today... We didn't sort, fold, pack, pile or toss a single thing. We got Chinese food for dinner and watched a bunch of videos.

Her place is now in the stage of "big mess" and it will take a lot to bring order out of the chaos. It's almost depressing to see how much sorting and stuff is left.

Another frustrating note is that we are looking at her beautiful furniture and trying to decide what to do. It isn't really my style. It's new and extremely well-kept. But I don't want any of it. At. All. And this is causing conflicts.

Tonight I stretched out on the couch and fell asleep... and the kids were nodding off too. We are all just worn down to our last frazzle...

Grief work is hard work...

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